Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Serving the Dishes

Er..."Serving with the Dishes"?? Never mind :P

I was in the kitchen making dinner (it wasn't involuntary at all, I am sad to say; I do so little for my mother =/) tonight, and I started to wash a few dishes - house rule: you make food, you wash your dishes. And I was like, "Hey, I could do a few extra for Mom."

And I had a sudden thought. What was keeping me from doing all of the dishes? I mean, really. Why would I stop with just three or four? Sure, I had other things to do (important things like BLOGGING and writing and reading poetry and putting together outfits), but I will always have things to do. This, this need to be doing things isn't just going to stop at some point and I'll magically be able to serve others.

My life is about serving God. Serving Him with my life doesn't mean simply praying, reading my Bible, getting alone time with Him (although it is those things, too); it's about doing the work He made me for. Glorifying Him through every action.

I washed dishes. It was a simple task, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how often I blow these things way out of proportion. Serving others is only disgusting to us because it means putting someone else first, and we don't like that. Not one bit.

But it takes very little effort to go out of your way and do something a little extra. It's not like you have to do the dishes every day for the rest of your life! Just remember that even if no one notices, God does. And He's the one you're doing it for anyway :)

<3 Elizabeth-Marie {Em} <3

1 comment:

Julianne Drews said...

Thanks Caitlin! Good insight=)
<3 Julianne