Saturday, September 18, 2010

Word of the Week

So what do ya'll think about me putting one word up here, at the beginning of the week? Like a vocabulary word. One that I am going to try to use in:

a) normal everyday conversations
b) novels/poems/whatever I'm currently writing
c) this blog :)

Now, since that's cool but not exciting, let's make it into a game. [I love games! :D] Let's see who can use it in the best ways, as much as possible, and actually memorize it's meaning so that you will have it stored away in your memory for later usage!! I'll try to start out with ones that don't sound overly antiquated or long for everyday use, but I might slip some tough ones in there...


Rules! Let's see. You can't use it in a cheesy way. You can't tell anyone that it's your vocab word for the week (shh only bloggers must know! it's like...a secret. A secret-secret.). And you have to use it more than once during the whole week (in an intelligent way, please).

I'll post a word on Monday. Everyone who wants to join in the challenge can do so! Just post a comment here letting me know how you did and what you did and if anything ^strange^ happened to you because of it ;). Which reminds me; I really need to get an email set up just for fellow bloggers. It'd be so much easier if you could just email me your stories/thoughts or anything at all that pertained to my blog and the stuff I talk about...I'll be doing that today, hopefully! *fingers crossed*


The winner of the "Word of the Week Contest," which will (Lord-willing) occur 52 times a year (but not that many times this year, since I picked a very inopportune moment to start this whole thing, which is so very unlike me; I ALWAYS wait for the opportune moment - usually :P), will be notified every Saturday.

Notified, as in, I'll post it on this blog. *Unless*... UNLESS I get someone's email address - someone who is excited about this (or maybe just interested, since no one seems to match my excitement in this area of life *sigh* maybe I'm just the odd ball out?) - and then I will also email that person as the WINNER! :D


Some of you may just have skipped right to this part of the post. Heck, I would've! Prizes are the most important part of any contest! Well, actually, the most important part is the participants. But, since I don't have any (yet), I'll have to settle on prizes for Number One on the Important List (haven't you ever wanted an Important List? A list with everything that's Important - with a capital "I" - on it? No? Oh. Guess I really am an odd ball).

What should the prize be? An entire blog post dedicated to the winner?



Very tempting...considering that I will win most of the contests since no one is going to enter because no one is READING this silly thing!!! But if I'm the winner and also the contest manager, I would have to buy chocolate for myself.

Doesn't sound so bad :P

But I can't deplete my life-savings by buying chocolate once a week. Not only would I not have a car (or any of the other necessities in life) I'd most likely gain my freshmen fifteen before I even became a college freshman!

I would NOT be a happy camper -_-

So unless I get more than 5 contestants to be a part of this weekly contest, THERE WILL BE NO PRIZES.

This means that if you want to be rewarded for your efforts, you'd better bring your friends on board! Yell across your neighborhood in a xylophone (er...some time of phone. I don't think that that's the right kind, though...)! Post it on your blog! Join the fun!!

Or...if this is just the "boring" button at the end of this post (each of my posts has one of these, but no one's been clicking on them, so I've felt great for a while). And then I'll know :)


Au revoir!

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