Monday, September 6, 2010

Autumn Breeze

Well, by the time I actually get online, all of my inspirational thoughts seem to have scattered in the wind. I'm very sorry.

Speaking of wind...I am loving all the breezy-ness these past few days! So refreshing and reviving. It's like something pure is blowing against me, washing everything away, and leaving me with a reminder of everything that is past and that is to be.

I love it.

What's one thing that you really enjoy about the outdoors? Something that men can't make - they can only replicate. It can be anything. Even an animal :) [And if we're talking about animals, I really love tigers. Just so you know.]

Autumn breeze
Blowing through this house
Signaling death
Elusive as a mouse
Painful and dull

Everything's dying
But someday, it will be
Made new

[random poetry...or non-poetry. whatever you'd like to call it...]

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