Thursday, December 2, 2010

Godliness With Contentment

Just a reminder to look down below (waaaaay way down below the posts - give your mouse a nice little workout) to the cute little pictures I put there :) The first two are Pon and Zi and the other one is just...self-explanatory.

Now that you're back from your LONG journey to the "end" of my blog and back (and had a good little smile at those pictures), you can hear what I have to say.

...Or not. I can wait. Although it's awfully hard *sighs*.


Have you ever had those moments where somebody tells you you're acting a little down and out, or they ask you what's wrong, and you go blank? And then, suddenly, you realize that you haven't been yourself for most of the day. You're grateful to that friend for seeing right through you. But you're also left wondering: Why?

I did that today. I didn't think I was having a bad day - and, truth be told, I wasn't; I was in a blah mood. There's no point for being that way, though. I have an AMAZING family, AWESOME friends, SPECTACULAR books to read (and write :P), and a host of other things to be happy about.

Being satisfied is just not easy to do. Probably because I'm looking in all the wrong places...

So happy "Happy Place" hunting! We're all looking for that place, that person, that situation, that is going to make our lives complete. Guess what? On this earth, we're just not going to find it! God is the only thing that can ever truly give you (and me) the contentment and purpose that we so desire.

God's Forever,
<3 Caitlin <3

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