Pulse slowing, eyelids lowering.
Unfocused dreams...
Weak and unable to face
What one cannot ignore.
What does it mean to be lost?
What does it mean to be lost?
If not all who wander are lost, then where is the line between "found" and "lost"? To what do we look for direction? I found a sign, it pointed me here. But that doesn't mean I'm where I'm supposed to be.
What does it mean when one person can't stand to be around other people?
Thoughts trigger emotions. Smiles and words exchanged and then suddenly...the connection becomes something undesirable. A shift in air pressure and we feel the need to be alone.
What does it mean when one person can't stand to be around other people?
Thoughts trigger emotions. Smiles and words exchanged and then suddenly...the connection becomes something undesirable. A shift in air pressure and we feel the need to be alone.
I'm starting to see a pattern here. Everything is in my mind. What happens around me is background noise. The thing that really matters is my reaction - and that stems from my perception of the world.
You've seen it before. Someone looks at the sky and sees darkness. Another sees a million stars. A person craves chocolate, another wouldn't eat a candy bar if you shoved it down their throat.
That's what's so cool about meeting new people. You get to figure out what they revolve around, what makes them tick, what they are trying to achieve. It's a mystery. A puzzle. People are amazing.
That difference in people is something I call perspective. The eyes, windows of the soul, see the world and judge it constantly. Our brains are constantly processes and labeling the information we take in around us.
And I've realized that sometimes where I see a wall, someone else sees a challenge. Where I see a nasty ditch, someone else sees possibility. And the crazy thing is, that ditch or that wall could be both: a challenge and a dead-end, a bad fall and a close call.
Just because I think something is impossible, doesn't mean that it really is.
My brain has the power to make me think and feel that it is impossible.
Which means that I control what I think. Let me say that again: I control what I think. An interesting power to have, isn't it?
What's a wall that you've hit recently? What's something that has broken you down? What's something that you just can't see a way around?