Saturday, November 23, 2013

No High like the Most High

Let's face it, we all get high. We all have our things that make us deliriously happy or pleased or relaxed. Maybe it's our favorite TV show that we just have to curl up and watch alone. Maybe it's a beer at the end of a hard day's work. Maybe it's Pinterest. Or chocolate. Driving fast.

For me, it's food. I let food get the better of me nearly every two hours. Novels are another thing that rock my world.

My point is, we get all up in the faces of people on drugs, but coffee is pretty darn addictive, too, and so is everything else on the planet. We humans like being consumed by things. We naturally become addicted. Think about it: anything can become an addiction.

It's interesting to think about this, when everyone around me is spending their free time getting drunk or *ahem* high on marijuana. Definitely something I'm not used to dealing with/being around.

How am I supposed to act? React?

Honestly, God tells us to love. God tells us not to judge. [He also says pretty clearly that getting drunk is sinful.] But we're all sinners. I'm a sinner. And I shouldn't look down on the people here because they happen to smoke weed. I'm not any better than they are if I don't smoke weed.

Although, let's be honest here, I'd like to think that I am.  

I'm not condoning drugs by any means. All I'm asking is that we take a step back and look at the whole picture. What did Jesus do when He was on earth? He spent time with the lowest people on earth, spent time loving them.

And me? I can choose to get on high on the Most High, my Father. 

Just thoughts. What do you think about all of this?

What's weird is that I am in this cool place. This place that is beyond my former imaginings and strikes me speechless. It's perfect in so many ways, and imperfect in a million others, and I can't get over the feeling's my home.

But amidst those feelings of joy and beauty and awe, I am prickled with discontent. Jealousy. Disappointment. Inadequacy. None of which are coming from God. Yet I listen to these voices as if they are my own, and I agree with them.

Let me tell you something. I live at the foot of a real live mountain (more than one, actually). I live in a college-dorm-style room with one of my bestest friends in the world, and she makes me laugh every day of my life. I get to shred in powdery snow for fun and as a job. I meet new people every day and I spend a few hours enjoying sunshine on my face. 

This place is amazing. I have no reason to complain. Yet I do. A little messed up, don't you think?

What have you found yourself complaining about lately? What blessings do you need to stop and be thankful for?

{There's no high like the Most High, guys}

1 comment:

Jenn Noelle said...

it's something I've struggled with a lot increasingly--how to love people whose actions you may totally disagree with. I'm not really sure of the answer, but you're sure not alone. we all sin differently, sure, and it's definitely not our place to judge. but it's sometimes hard to love/support people who seem like they're at a place in life're above? don't condone? wouldn't put yourself in? I don't know, something like that.

alsoooo girlfriend. praying for you lots, but make sure to take those thoughts of inadequacy and such captive and turn them over to Jesus. think how crazy this adventure is--you wouldn't be there unless it's where God had you. I..okay haha well hm...I honestly feel like this a lot, with theatre. like not very good/wow so many people are better than me/why didn't I get that role/will I ever be good enough/what am I doing here. and I have to remind myself a LOT that this is definitely beyond doubt where God has me, and that he can work things out better than I can see, even if I'd like things a little different--and it's so hard to trust him in that.

anyway I don't know if that's similar to what you're feeling or if I'm just rambling, but yeah. let's skype soon. I love you dearly!