Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Mmmm. It's that little voice in your head that just goes, "yummy," when you see an attractive guy...though that voice should really only be used in situations of chocolate, Starbucks mint mocha frappes, fresh-baked bread, and chicken salad sandwiches.

Lately, I haven't been able to put guys out of my head. I am literally *on the look-out post*, peeking over the edge of a book, glancing out of the corner of my eye, eavesdropping on others' conversations. It's like I think I'm a SPY or something.

I was sitting in a comfy chair, studying away on campus, when I glanced up and saw this guy. He had dark hair (hehe) and my first thought was just a casual, "Hm, nice profile." Then I kept watching him as he walked around the study area. (Very subtly, of course! :P) Then he went back outside, and as he went through, he stopped to hold the door open for a girl.

"A gentleman, too!" I thought. [You see how unfocused I am while doing homework?]

Then the girl came in and she was wearing a rather short skirt and heels, so basically a brunette chick with tan, long legs and I start to fume a little..."Of course he would hold a door open for her; what guy wouldn't?"

Then he walks off into the rain and he doesn't put his hood up or anything. Immediately, I assume that he secretly likes the rain, too, like I do.

Ahem. That's the end of my little Caitlin-with-hot-brunette fairy tale. I'm not exactly proud of the way I watch and analyze people. But it is funny thinking about it now. I'm so, so, SO glad there aren't mind readers out there!

My question is, am I the only one on the planet who does this? I mean, I'm currently heading toward guy-obsession (bad, bad Caitlin), but it's not wrong to think guys are *cough* hot.... it?

As a coworker of mine said: "A good piece of eye-candy is healthy every once in a while. It's the only kind of candy that's good for you!"

Heh. That makes me laugh.


Jenn Noelle said...


ahhhaahhaaa I love you Caitlin, really I do. Next time I see you I think I shall stare you in the face and just say, "YUMMY." bahaha.


So anyway, no, you're not the only one. (and college provides so many more new opportunities to see attractive guys. ;p) Did I ever tell you my funny story??? Last week, this super attractive dude that I'd met only once before (friend of a friend) found me at CSCC and tried a pick-up line on me to get my number. hehe! So of course I was flattered, but I don't have a stinkin' phone!

Ahh well. I was amused and it kinda made me happy. (so shallow, I realize that)

Aaaaaaannnndd, hmm. It's my opinion that it's NOT wrong to think guys are hot, as long as you don't get ridiculously obsessed over such things... *cough* heheh. That's our problem, isn't it? =p

Anyhoo, this was long and rambly, so I apologize. And I love you can't wait to see you SATURDAY!! :D :D


Abigail said...

Ha, so, what made me laugh most was the fact that you were mad about the "brunette chick with tan legs." ;)Which is funny, because, for me it's always a blonde chick!

I avoid using the word hot, but that doesn't mean attractive guys aren't on my radar. My favorite saying for this situation is "Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart." :) I just always remember that God has better things in mind than I can imagine. And I KNOW he's got someone great picked out for you Caitlin, because you're pretty amazing and he loves you to death! And I love you too!

Kay said...

Ok. So it may be weird to comment on your blog since I don't know you. =)I clicked on your blog which was on another blog and read this post. I hope you do not feel "stalked". =)

Attraction is a God given emotion. But it can be used wrongly. Don't beat yourself up for being attracted to a guy, but remember... he's a person. A person who makes mistakes and who has a heart. His looks do not say who he is.

One day - if it is in God's plans - you will be married to Mr. Right. Do you want to be a lady who has been obsessed with other men? Or do you want to give him a heart of purity and singleness?

There's a quote that says something like, "Dance with Jesus; He'll let the perfect guy cut in".

"...And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." (1Cor. 10:5 NIV)

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." (Philippians 4:8 NIV)

Thank you for your realness.

Caity said...

Hey Kay! no, you're fine, feel free to stalk away ;)

I know attraction isn't a bad thing. It's just very hard to, "take every thought captive to Christ." Thank you for your REALNESS! I appreciate it. Even if I don't know you, it's nice to hear those things because i need to hear them. So thanks:)

ps: i love the dancing quote!

Abigail: thanks a bunch for your funny words of wisdom. I know God has someone amazing planned for you too <3 <3 Waiting is hard for me though, heh. Love you bunches!!

Jenn, i didn't forget you, but I keep seeing you and talking about these things w/you:) but i read your long comment and loved it teehee. LOVE YOU! ((hugs))