Monday, April 11, 2011

Simpatico with Life

I just have to post this wonderfully fun word to say that I got in my inbox today (that...totally rhymes)! You've probably heard the word, but I've never actually known what it means, so it feels new to me :p

simpatico: congenial or like-minded

I was going to endeavor to use it in a sentence, but I rather like leaving it untouched and unmangled by my stilted words. Forgive me. Nothing's coming out poetically today.

The rain usually has me in this wonderful poetic mood, but it's like it hasn't reached me today. I'm just stuck in my own little online world. I think I've been staring at screens too much today. The TV screen (educational videos if you MUST know) and the laptop screen...hours of wasted time...

Not wasted, exactly, just seemingly unprofitable ;)

I'm simultaneously writing this while chatting with a friend, and it has come to me that I still do not have a main focus for this blog. Is that a good thing? I'm not entirely sure. Hm. I just feel bad about the subject

So allow me to point my little (very little) light back to where it belongs: God. Because after that sad post from Saturday night, this is how He's brought back the dawn.

"She said, 'It's gonna be alright,'
Cause God made a way through the pain
And He opened her eyes..."

No matter what happens or what has happened, He's still there, loving me. And that's all that matters. ["Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up again."]

1 comment:

Ruthie said...

Teehee, I feel so special to be referenced in this. :)